Self-reported vs measured body mass index in the italian adults within cuore project 2018-19
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Istituto Superiore di Sanità Department of Cardiovascular, Endocrine-metabolic Diseases and Aging, Italian National Institute of Health Via Giano della Bella 34 00161 Rome Italy
Italian National Institute of Statistics
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A817
The body mass index (BMI) is often assessed within national surveys from self-reported height and weight rather than measured values for the monitoring population health and the effectiveness of public health strategies. The discrepancies between measured and self-reported values were assessed using data collected within a health examination survey (HES) on the general adult population, and correction models were estimated and implemented on national interview survey data.

The Italian National Institute of Health conducted the HES 2018-2019 within the CUORE Project measuring weight and height and collecting data on self-reported values in random samples of general population aged 35-74 years residing in ten (of 20) Italian regions distributed in the North, Centre and South: 1033 men and 1061 women.

Self-reported and measured data comparison showed greater differences in mean values ​​of height than weight and in women than in men (height +2 cm in men and +3 in women; weight -1 kg and -1 kg, respectively) corresponding to an underestimation of BMI (-1 kg/m2 and -1 kg/m2, respectively). Stable differences were found across age groups and educational levels, except for height, which discrepancy was greatest in women aged 65 years and over. Self-reported vs measured prevalence were: normal weight 40%-33% in men and 55%-45% in women, overweight 46%-46% and 26%-29%, obesity 14%-20% and 16%-24%. Linear regression models were assessed for height and weight adjusting by sex and age classes (R2>=0.92); they were implemented to estimate adjusted BMI and normal weight/overweight/obesity prevalence on the national multi-purpose interview survey data collected by the Italian National Institute of Statistics.

CORRECTED Self-reported values ​, adjusted using correction models developed on the basis of the relationship between self-reported and measured height and weight values, could be considered to provide more accurate prevalence of normal weight, overweight and obesity.
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