Sentiment towards vaccinations in Chinese healthcare workers: preliminary results from an international survey
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Section of Hygiene, Department of Life Sciences and Public Health, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italy
Section of Hygiene, Department of Life Sciences and Public Health, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma
World Federation of Public Health Associations, Geneva, Switzerland
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A2051
Background and Objective: Health care workers (HCWs) are a trusted source of vaccine information for patients and communities. Our Objective is to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Chinese HCWs' feelings about vaccination, focusing on COVID-19 and influenza. Methods: We designed a multilingual Knowledge-Attitudes-Practice web-survey with 4-point-Likert-items addressed to HCWs in 11 countries. Survey dissemination is ongoing through the mediation of national Public Health Associations. We present a preliminary descriptive analysis of a representative sample from China. Results: The completion rate is 72.7% (1,938/2,665). Respondents are mostly females (67.5%), with a median age of 42 (IQR:17), mainly employed as health professionals (30.7%), nurses (27.7%) or physicians (26.8%). Most respondents agree on the effectiveness (96.1%), safety (92.7%) and necessity (96.8%) of vaccinations in general. However, many think their side effects are minimized by pharmaceutical companies (91.2%) and health authorities (91.3%). Most respondents received 3+ doses of COVID-19 vaccines (90.9%) and agree that these vaccines are effective (92.3%) and dominate the disease in terms of benefit-risk ratio (87.7%). However, many have concerns about their rapid development (41.4%) and their administration in pregnancy (68.6%), with 28.9% favoring natural immunity over vaccine-induced immunity. Most HCWs agree with mandatory COVID-19 vaccine for their category (62.0% ), but only 48.1% agree with work restrictions for those noncomplying. The majority is ready to accept a further COVID-19 booster vaccination if recommended (73.5%) and agrees that the pandemic increased their confidence in vaccines safety (80.4%) and their attention to update their vaccination schedule (86.74%). Accordingly, only 19.0% received regular influenza vaccination before the pandemic, while 36.2% got vaccinated in the last season and 42.0% plan to do so in the next one. Conclusions: Despite some persisting doubts about COVID-19 vaccines, the sentiment towards vaccinations in Chinese HCWs is generally positive and has improved after the pandemic.