Sex differences in psychosocial and economic impact of covid-19 among migrant origin populations compared with the general finnish population
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Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare Mannerheimintie 166, PL 30, 00271 Helsinki Finland
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare Finland
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A452
Background and Objective:
Covid-19 impacted particularly migrant origin populations. While studies focusing on general populations have reported sex differences in Covid-19, few studies have addressed sex differences in migrant origin populations. This study examines sex differences in psychosocial and economic impact of Covid-19 among migrant origin populations in Finland.

Data from the Impact of the Coronavirus on the Wellbeing of the Foreign-born Population (MigCOVID) Survey (10/2020-2/2021; n=3668) conducted among adults aged 20-66 years was used, with participants in the FinHealth 2017 follow-up study as the general population reference group (n=3490). Perceived impact on economic situation, loneliness, hope for the future, contact with friends, and sleeping difficulties were examined. Prevalence rates and their 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were calculated. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was applied to examine differences by sex, adjusting for sociodemographics.

In preliminary analyses, loneliness increased 37.9% (95%CI 33.8-42.1) of migrant origin women, 33.2% (95%CI 29.2-37.4) of migrant origin men, and 34.8% (95%CI 31.2-38.5) of general population women, and 20,7% (95%CI17.6-24.3) of general population men. Hope for the future decreased 36.5% (95%CI 32.5-40.6) of migrant origin women, 39.0% (34.8-43.3) of migrant origin men, 35.8% (95%CI 32.3-39.5) of general population women, and 24.3% (21.1-27.8) of general population men. Financial situation worsened 43.3% (95%CI 39.0–47.6) of migrant origin men, 42.0% (95%CI 37.9–46.2) of migrant origin women, 21.5% (95%CI 18.5-25.0) of general population women and 16.0% (95%CI 13.9-18.4) general population men. Logistic regression analyses will be reported in the presentation.

General population women reported greater psychosocial and economic impact than men. Sex differences within migrant origin populations were not significant, although men and women reported significantly higher adverse psychosocial and economic impact compared with men in the general population. Findings with intersectional approach should be used when planning restorative measures to reduce adverse societal impact in future crises.
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