Social networks and pandemic: netnography of a group about maternity and concerns with covid-19
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USP Student Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 715 - Cerqueira César, São Paulo - SP, 01246-904 Brazil
USP Angela Cuenca USP College of Public Health Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 715 - Cerqueira César, São Paulo - SP, 01246-904 Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1639
Background and objective:
As a consequence of COVID-19 social isolation has imposed a reality more immersed in social networks. An environment widely used by pregnant women and mothers, the internet has enabled them to have virtual contact and connect with support networks and easy the debate on maternity and parenthood. They use groups and forums to exchanges information and calls on their support network to help in making parental decisions. From this perspective, a netnographic study is proposed to analyze interactions of Brazilian users on the social network “Babycenter”, within the group “Concerns about coronavirus (COVID-19)” about the pandemic We objective to analyze the interactions of these users promoted in virtual support networks and understand the type of information about motherhood and parenting ware exchanged in the face of a pandemic.

Qualitative research using netnography applied to the group “Concerns...” on the BabyCenter social network from March 2020 to January 2022. All data shared in the tool are publicly accessible. For the analysis 17 topics related to COVID-19 were selected, themed as: General doubts, Narrative, Symptoms in babies and Symptoms in adults. Word cloud and interpretation in speech analysis techniques were applied.

The interactions are built around an emotional grammar that strengthen the maternal identity “selfless in the care of the child”. It is on the mother that responsibility for the family health falls in practical dimensions, but also symbolical and emotionally. In this regard, was observed that mothers reported seeking the diagnosis of COVID-19 less when it came to themselves. The father appears merely as a provider than as active parent.

In the first two years of the pandemic the concerns narrated by participants are fear regarding their childrens health, the impact on their routine, illness and sequels of the disease.
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