Sources of information on formaldehyde-will it modify behavior among students?
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Gulf Medical University United Arab Emirates
Gulf Medical University
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1636
The essential standard usage of human cadavers in educational practice follows extensive preservation and maintenance to prevent tissue putrefaction which is achieved by embalming and formaldehyde fixation. Medical students spend a lot of time in the gross anatomy laboratory and show variable signs of acute exposure. Obtaining reliable information on the preservative fluid mixture is a major challenge among the students and the staff, due to the regional variation seen with the preservative techniques. In this study, an effort has been made to understand the impact of sources of information on the practicial behavior of students to combat the effects of formaldehyde.

A cross-sectional self-administered questionnaire study was conducted among the student population. A total of 513 participated in the study. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed. The significance level was set at p ≤ 0.05.

A good level of literacy of 36.1%, an attitude of 70.4%, and practice of 54.0% were observed among the study population. There is a positive association between seminar, school teachers, and senior students and 57% of participants were reported to have better behavior change from other source input. Regarding the source of information on the fixation mixture and its ill effects, 47.2% of students agreed to have been taught by their respective medical school faculty; 16.6% were informed best by the seminar, and 24.8%, 41.9%, and 32.7%; identified senior students, schoolteachers, and friends respectively as source agents in this study.

Adressing the most influential source, the particiants agreed source for formaline and other preservative fluids was introduced by the medical school faculty. And recommended improvising the information source-seeking habit, awareness, and information sources on the safety protocols related to handling fixed cadaveric specimens, especially for entry-level students in the university must be highlighted for safe practice and learning.
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