Strengthening team building and capacity development for data quality: the case of hiv program in delta state, nigeria
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Caritas Nigeria Plot 459 Cadastral Zone B2, Durumi 1, Garki, Abuja Nigeria
Caritas Nigeria
Caritas Nigeria 1 Durumi 1, Garki, Plot 459 Cadastral Zone B2, Abuja Nigeria
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A995
Improving human resource management and capacity building to improve health service delivery is critical for a cohesive workforce and quality reporting in any program. Our HIV program intervention in Delta state was hampered by insufficient capacity among program and team members, which hampered the turnaround time for quality and timely reporting of program activities. The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of the approaches used to improve data collection, analysis, and dissemination, which resulted in improved data quality and reporting.

Observational studies and questionnaires were used to assess each team members capacity gaps. The result of this studies were analyzed. Each team were mentored for 6 -12 months based on their identified training needs. Regularly virtual training were provided with personal development opportunities like individual courses to help them broaden their skills and knowledge. Each teams progress was tracked over time, and feedback was provided through spot checks and capacity reviews. Identify areas for improvement and deal with problems that are affecting team performance. Individual and team performance awards were used as incentives to promote healthy competition and team motivation.

Over the course of two years, 73 team members were trained. Program reporting and report completion increased from 24% at the start of the project to 100%. In 2022, the number of team members who completed a learning resource increased from 13 to 83. In Delta state, the number of HIV patients receiving treatment increased from 14,000 in 2017 to 72,000 by 2022.

Encouraging the exchange of ideas, skills, competencies among team members helps in team building and is an effective method to capacity building. Gaps in data quality and reporting timeliness can be filled by increasing team members capability through online courses and improving communication between team members and their supervisors.
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