Study on the satisfaction of medical students with distance learning during the period of Covid-19 restrictions for the perspective of the Karaganda Medical University, Kazakhstan
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Karaganda Medical University, Kazakhstan
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A692
Background and Objectives:
The current situation associated with the pandemic has led to transitional distance learning methods in higher education. The aim of the study is to determine the attitude of students towards distance learning at a medical university and to identify the problems they faced.

The design of the study is cross-sectional. An electronic questionnaire was assigned, and 1238 students were interviewed. The study was conducted after replacing traditional face-to-face education.

38.2% of students have perfectly adapted to distance learning. At the same time, 3.1% adapted to online learning poorly. 67.1% of respondents report that they were absolutely comfortable learning online, and only 6.6% of respondents report that it was very difficult. 40.5% of respondents believe that their workload has increased during the period of delayed learning, and slightly fewer respondents report that the workload has not changed. The majority of students rate the work of the teaching staff during distance learning as “excellent”, however, still, 3% of students rate the work of the teacher as "bad". The main requirements that students have faced during the long period of study are the technical conditions, the poor performance of the Internet in the regions where the students are located during the distance learning period. In general, 48.1% of students are completely satisfied with the learning process during distance learning, while 4.6% of students are completely satisfied. It is noted that students of lower grades have an increased frequency of increased values of the training load during long-term training (p-value <0.001).

Much attention is paid to solving the problem of digital literacy among the teaching staff and students, as well as increasing the availability of digital technologies for all students, regardless of their distance from the university.
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