Swap relations and sense of justice for distribution in agricultural families
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University of Magdeburg FHW, Institut 1 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Zschokkestraße 32 39104 Magdeburg Germany
University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A92
Background and objective:
The special structure in old-age security differs agricultural families from other family constellations, for example challenges exist for the upcoming generation, which automatically is responsible for the financial securing of the elder generation when taking over the enterprise. In this analysis the question was pursued, which specifics underlie for families of agricultural economy concerning age and aging processes in the context of intra-familial dependencies.

The data corpus consists of 25 guided interviews with a high narrative share, which were evaluated with the Grounded Theory (Strauss/Corbin 1996). Within nine families representatives from a minimum of two generations were surveyed.

The main category generation-specific attribution of meanings of the objective contract presents itself within two phenomena, which appear in the perspectives of both generations involved, however one of each is highlighted in one of each generations:

Against the background of the empiric outcome it can be stated that the attribution of meanings of technically objectively regulated issues turn out differently according to a specific generation. The living together is perceived as a swap relation which is experienced more or less satisfying depending on the design. The elder share may utilize services from the younger generation, may demand or ask for services, because in return the elder share have transferred the estate to the younger generation, making it possible to keep up family traditions or leave behind an enterprise in dept and need of redevelopment. For both generations it is progressively a matter of fair distribution in the context of this intra-generational swap relation. However the sense of justice comes out differently in specific generations. Intra-generational dependencies pose a claim.
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