Telemedicine in the monitoring of covid-19 patients: general practitioners’ usage, facilitators and barriers in the local health authority roma 1
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Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome; 2. Local Health Authority Roma 1. Italy
Department of Hygiene, University Department of Life Sciences and Public Health, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy
Local Health Authority Roma 1.
Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A593
Background and Objective:
Telemedicine is a powerful tool for managing of COVID-19 patients. Our study aims to evaluate the use, barriers and facilitators of the “Lazio ADVICE” telemedicine platform according to General Practitioners (GPs) and Family Paediatricians (FPs) of the LHA Roma 1 to contrast the pandemic. This could be useful for the wider implementation of telemedicine in primary healthcare.

We performed an interview-based survey composed of questions investigating the demographic information of GPs/FPs, the knowledge of the platform, frequency of utilization, usefulness, strengths and weaknesses and the hypothesis of future implementation proposed.

We interviewed 214 physicians (21.75% of the total population): 89 (41.59%) users and 125 (58.41%) non-user. Older age and working in District 1, 14 and 15 (vs. District 13) significantly reduced the probability of using the platform by the physician. Among the users, 19 (21.35%) used the platform every day or even several times a day, 40 (44.34%) several times a week but less than one access per day, 30 (33.71%) several times a month. Most of them (92.26%) consider the platform useful. Suggested improvements: integration between physician’s applications (86.26%), presence of data regarding COVID-19 diagnosis and contact tracing (69.6%), facilitating access and usability (52.81%). Difficulties: poor integration among software and work routine (76.4%), deficiencies regarding contact tracing (67.41%), access and usability issues (53.93%). Among the non-users, 14 (11.2%) didn’t know the platform existence, 60 (48%) never tried and 51 (40.8%) tried to use it. Reported reasons for the interruption of use were: not very user-friendly (45.1%), perceived useless (37.26%), non-optimal functioning (23.53%) and lack of time (19.61%).

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the implementation of telemedicine services. Telemedicine for monitoring patients has potential but certainly, to be competitive it must offer something different or additional than telephone consultation.
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