The assistance GAPS in the struggle against covid-19 in Brazil: the temporal course in the beginning of vaccination of indigenous and quilombolas peoples
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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and UFPE, ABRASCO, Av. Professor Moraes Rego, s/n - Cidade Universitária - Recife/PE . CEP 50.740-465., Brazil
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Av. Professor Moraes Rego, s/n - Cidade Universitária - Recife/PE . CEP 50.740-465., Brazil
Universidade de Pernambuco, ABRASCO, Rua Arnóbio Marques, 310 - Santo Amaro, Recife/PE CEP: 50100-130, Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A403
With the pandemic of covid-19, the infection rate grew rapidly in brazil, ranking among the countries with the highest cases and death rates. The national vaccination began in january 2021, focused on priority groups, including indigenous peoples and quilombolas, given their social vulnerability and difficulties in accessing health services. This study aimed to analyze the temporal evolution of vaccination against covid-19 in indigenous peoples and quilombolas in Brazil between the 3rd and 21st Epidemiological Week (EW) of 2021.

A temporal analysis comprising 19 EW was performed. Cases were structured by priority group of indigenous and quilombola populations, dose, vaccine (Coronavac or Astrazeneca), and place of vaccination. The Vaccination Rate (VR) per 100 inhabitants was calculated. Temporal analysis of VR identified significant trends (≤5%), and results were converted into temporal cluster graphs by EW.

By the end of may 2021, 1,176,173 doses of Astrazeneca (AZ) or Coronavac (CV) Vaccines had been administered to indigenous peoples and quilombolas. Nationally, 21.7% of CV and 99% of AZ vaccination schedules were incomplete for this priority group. The temporal analysis identified high VR of the CV first and second dose in the first weeks (EW 1 to 7), with a significant drop in subsequent weeks; and high VR of both doses of AZ concentrated in the final weeks (10 to 19).

The indigenous and quilombola populations had low vaccination rates nationally. It is important to consider the decrease in CV vaccine in the analyzed period, highlighting that from may onwards the AZ vaccine distribution was predominant due to a decrease in the CV national production. Possible factors contributing to the reduction of VR in these populations were poor access to health services; inconsistent national vaccination plan; geographical barriers; and hesitancy to vaccinate as a consequence of the spread of fake news.
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