The evaluation of the use of digital media as a tool in oral health education strategy at the odontosesc mobile unit
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SESC - Social Service of Commerce in Rio de Janeiro, Health Management, 261 Conde de Bonfim, Tijuca, apt 802, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20520-051, Brazil
Department of Health Management, Social Service of Commerce in Rio de Janeiro, Niterói, Brazil
SESC - Social Service of Commerce in Rio de Janeiro
SESC - Social Service of Commerce in Rio de Janeiro, Health Management, 104 Benjamin Constant, APT802, Glória, RJ 20241150, Brazil
SESC - Social of Commerce in Rio de Janeiro, Health Management, 55 Av jornalista Alberto Francisco Torres, Icaraí apt 708-1, RJ 24230-000, Brazil
SESC - Social of Commerce in Rio de Janeiro
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A636
Inserted in a broad concept of health, the promotion of oral health transcends the technical dimension of dental practice. Therefore, the need and efforts through Oral Health Education increase, with the purpose of enlightening the population about oral diseases and encouraging changes in general habits. During the COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face activities were restricted, so digital media (YouTube, facebook and Instagram) emerged as an alternative for sharing content, aiming to promote health, prevent disease and continue the dissemination of knowledge, provide people with simple and low-cost alternatives for their well-being and better quality of life.

Quantitative evaluation of the use of digital media as a tool in the Oral Health Education strategy by the dental team of the Mobile Unit OdontoSesc, which belongs to the Social Service of Commerce in Rio de Janeiro.

A quantitative exploratory study, based on an institutional database system (Planning and Execution System - SPE), which presents the number of views collected in posts on digital media, from January to December 2022. The posts were weekly or fortnightly, with content related to the main complaints and demands previously observed with face-to-face consultations. The contents were produced in short forms (videos and reels).

The content shared on digital media had a reach of 71683 views/year, which represented an additional 66% in face-to-face educational activities.

The success presented by the new implementation strategy in the activity restriction period led the tool to be used, concomitantly, with face-to-face health education actions, aiming at a greater population reach and dissemination of knowledge, to foster utonomy and collaborate for a better quality of life for the population.
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