The experience of approaching child labor in a brazilian public school
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University of Campinas - UNICAMP Luso Ventura Street, number 410. Jardim Santa Genebra. Campinas - São Paulo. Code Zip: 13080-170. Brazil
University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University of Campinas - UNICAMP Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1797
Background and objective:
In Brazil, child labor is defined as being carried out by children or adolescents under the age of sixteen years old, except in cases of minor apprentices programs. However, according to data from 2019, 1.8 million children and adolescents are working in Brazil. The complexity of the reality experienced by children and adolescents in front of work mobilizes the engagement of various governmental and non-governmental agencies and institutions for the eradication and prevention of child labor, as well as actions to encourage learning. The objective of the present work is to present the experience of a health promotion action developed by Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences undergraduate students about child labor in one Brazilian public school.

The activity was developed as part of a practical discipline of worker’s health in a Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences undergraduate course. The selected public school is located in an area of high social and economic vulnerability. The actions included a theoretical discussion about child labor and its health repercussions, the pact with the school board and the planning of the strategies to approach the students.

Ten Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences undergraduate students conducted the activities in which 300 students, between nine and twelve years, participated. The approach consisted of defining what child labor means and the repercussions of work for children and adolescents, impacting health, education, and the future. The undergraduate students evaluated the experience as being important for developing specific knowledge and communication abilities. The school board perceived the importance of discussing child labor and saw their students using the new information in their daily lives.

Child labor is a matter to be discussed and approached in health and educational institutions, considering its repercussions on all aspects of children’s lives and their future possibilities.
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