The future of health impact assessment- setting the Research Agenda
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University of New South Wales, Australia
Sydney Local Health District, Australia
Public Health Scotland and University of Glasgow
NRW Centre for Health, Germany
Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU), Public Health Wales (PHW), United Kingdom
RPS, United Kingdom
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1975
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a key approach to achieve Health in All Policies, by identifying impacts on health and equity and recommending changes to address these impacts. Since the Gothenburg Consensus Statement in 1999, HIA has been applied to policies, plans and projects in multiple sectors and settings across the world and researchers have demonstrated its effectiveness in influencing policies. However, its use is still variable globally with few jurisdictions using HIA systematically to maximise the potential of all policies and plans to improve health and legislation is generally aligned to environmental health impact assessment rather than the social determinants of health and equity. The COVID-19 pandemic has raised the importance of social determinants of health, as many indirect health effects arose from pandemic effects on social and environmental pathways. HIAs of pandemic responses have demonstrated its potential to identify and help address these impacts. The climate emergency will bring even more wide-ranging health impacts that need to be addressed in an integrated way, which HIA could support. Recovery and renewal from the pandemic presents a window of opportunity for public health and other sectors to consider what is needed to support the future evolution and development of HIA in different contexts. This workshop involving international HIA experts and leaders will draw on the findings of an international survey of 160 HIA practitioners views on the current opportunities for HIA; differing practice and perspectives on HIA; potential methodological innovation; and research gaps and needs in the field. The workshop will build on the survey Findings to develop a HIA research agenda for the next decade. Specific Aims/Objectives and Component Parts: The aim of the workshop is to develop a research agenda that we will share and publish. The workshop will include: 1. Presentation of findings of an international HIA survey, 2. Small group discussion with workshop participants to: 1) Discuss areas of research and gaps to address in the field of HIA over the next ten years, 2) Formulate these as specific research questions, 3) Identify mechanisms to build HIA research capacity , 4) Prioritisation of research questions identified by small groups, 5) Interactive panel with HIA experts/leaders to reflect and discuss next steps in how we can build and support a HIA research agenda. The key questions that the workshop will address: 1. What is the most important research needed in the field of HIA in the next ten years? 2. What are the most important unresolved research questions in HIA? 3. How can we build and support HIA research and capacity?
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