The provision of flu vaccination in pregnant and postpartum women: the experience in Local Health Autority (ASL) Roma 1 during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 flu vaccination campaign
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Azienda Sanitaria Locale Roma 1 Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1091
Pregnant women are a priority target in active vaccination against influenza, whooping cough and COVID-19, which provides maternal-fetal immune protection, reducing the risk of hospitalization, prematurity, cesarean delivery, fetal distress and low unborn weight. It is the responsibility of each ASL to create a dedicated pathway for pregnant women aimed at informing, taking care of and promoting health and vaccination.

Materials and Methods:
In 2019, the Birth Pathway was activated in the Family Consultatories of ASL Roma 1 to take charge of pregnant women, which starts already in the preconceptional phase with the promotion of good practices such as folic acid intake and reduction/abandonment of alcohol and tobacco intake. Obstetric ultrasound scans, testing for early detection of postpartum depression and birth coaching classes are scheduled. The birth pathway includes the promotion and administration of vaccinations, including SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Training of all consultant professionals (gynecologists, pediatricians, obstetric nurses, social workers and psychologists) was planned to implement this activity.

In the 2021-2022 influenza season, 705 pregnant women and 126 in postpartum were vaccinated against influenza out of the total of 2,308 vaccinated throughout the Lazio Region, corresponding to 35.91’ and 36.52’ of the vaccinations carried out in Lazio and 53.33’ and 51.22’ of those carried out in the three metropolitan Roman ASLs. The result is particularly positive when compared with the figure of new births in ASL Roma1 compared with births in the three Roman ASLs, which corresponds to 34.5’. In the current flu season 2022-2023, 618 pregnant and 106 postpartum women were vaccinated.

The organization of a dedicated Pathway with a multidisciplinary approach represents a virtuous way of taking charge in the territorial care network and promotes greater adherence by the assisted and conscious and responsible choices also regarding maternal immunization, breaking down cultural and organizational barriers.
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