The public health leadership coalition: a valuable experience during hard times
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WFPHA, Brazil
Public Health, Canada
Public Health Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Public Health Costa Rica, Costa Rica
WFPHA, Italy
WFPHA, Switzerland
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1756
Brief Outline of the Overall Workshop:
Since 2020 our world is living unprecedented challenges to public health: a strong leadership in public health is an urgency. In this scenario, several leaders formed the public health coalition within the World Federation of Public Health Association (WFPHA). The Public Health Leadership Coalition (PHLC) brings together world-class leaders to support decision makers by providing the most updated and robust scientific evidence from the public health field in order to build a common front in response to the pandemic and future global issues and to create a more equitable and sustainable approach to health for all. Now more than ever before it is important to create a bridge between the world of researchers and scientists and the world of decision-makers, at each level. The speakers and the chairs will discuss about the mission, the activities and the goal achieved by the Coalition during the last 3 years.

Specific AIMS/Objectives and Component Parts:
The aim of workshop will be to analyze the experience, the activities and the outcomes achieved by the Coalition. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 20 public health leaders from all continents took part to several meetings, supported by the Executive Director and Manager, Administrative and Communication Office of the WFPHA and by a team of researcher of Leadership Research Center of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome. They produced documents and papers that were shared with scientific community and citizens and were spread through social media and the official website of the WFPHA also. As an example, since the PH leaders strongly believe that global challenges can only be overcome through global efforts and the adoption of appropriate global approaches to address health threats at the animal, human, and environmental interfaces, in December 2021 a Call to Action was released, published in English language and then translated in Spanish, French, Italian and Arabic.

The Key Questions that the Workshop Will Address:
The specific key questions addressed by the workshop are focused on analyzing the best ways to afford and guide with the fair leadership the decision-making process in the health care sector during pandemics or other challenge for humans and for the planet. Indeed, every initiative undertaken by the members of the Coalition during the last 3 years, was committed to provide scientific advice and region-specific solutions to enable decision makers to implement the best evidence-based policies in public health and to make the right choice for the health and wealth of each country. The PHLC consolidates the WFPHA commitment to advocating for Global Public Health by recollecting and sharing best practices and accountable data, performing effective advocacy, and facilitating a right governance for the health sector.
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