The role of socioeconomic situation and social support on health perception among Ukrainian refugees in Czechia
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Charles University, Czechia Faculty of Science, Charles University, Czechia Albertov 6, Prague 2 Czech Republic
Charles University, Czechia
Charles University Faculty of Science, Charles University, Czechia Albertov 6, Prague 2 Czech Republic
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1405
Background and Objective:
Ukrainian refugees have experienced many stressful situations because of war, migration, and resettlement. Besides physical and mental health, social health is also very important in the case of refugees, as they are separated from family members and friends. The main goal of this study is to investigate the effect of socioeconomic situation (SES) and social support on health perception among Ukrainian refugees settled in Czechia after February 2022.

The study is based on the 3rd wave of online interview surveys among refugees from Ukraine. The survey took place in September 2022, and 1,347 respondents participated. Representativeness was ensured by a combination of random stratified sampling and subsequent data weighting. We used binary logistic regression to qualify the effect of several SES and social support characteristics on no-good health perception in an adult population below 65 years of age (N=1,331). All models were controlled for age, sex, education, physical and mental health.

We found the effect on no-good health perception in case of low degree of concern by others (final model adjusted for all controlled and independent variables; OR=1.55, 95%CI 1.05-2.27), low ability to get help (OR=1.92, 95%CI 1.23-3.02) and high material deprivation (OR=1.64, 95%CI 1.03-2.59). On the other hand, the number of close persons, knowledge of the Czech language, amount of income and having a job were not found as significant predictors of health.

Not only providing material support for refugees is crucial, but also the development of interpersonal relationships based on trust and concern is essential for improving the social health of refugees so that they receive social support from others in the host country.
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