The world healthcare I would not want…
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Pouav2 and univpm asur marche and univpm hospital: fabriano via stelluti scala n. 26 univpm: ancona via tronto 10/a Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1667
Context and Objective:
Transforming our world” This is what can be seen in the incipit of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. How can we transform our healthcare? …a respectful methodology for human beings, paying attention to the various aspects that have serious repercussions on us and on our planet: COVID and other epidemics, wars, economic crisis, hunger, famine, digital divide. Against this, new awareness is emerging, which combines respect for cultures and traditions, with the possibilities offered by innovation (“intelligent” technologies, quantum, metaverse, robotics, energy transition, sharing economy, etc.) which will be able to focus health on the individual.

An attempt has been made to identify the ten aspects that could constitute a decalogue of what we would never like to see. Healthcare in this decalogue meets a vision that starts from the WHO 1948 definition of health, passing through the 1974 Ladonde report, the 1978 Alma-Ata Declaration, the 1986 Ottawa Charter, up to the Charter of Bangkok,2005.

1. unequal health care, in which the little one has “small” rights 2. a tortuous healthcare, in which everyone fails to reach their destination 3. flat healthcare that flattens creative excellence 4. a closed healthcare that traps its networks 5. a blind healthcare, which darkens the eyes so as not to see within itself 6. a deaf healthcare that does not listen to the silence of pain 7. a mute healthcare, which is silent about its own needs 8. a lame healthcare, which is unable to run towards a better future 9. a dull healthcare, which extinguishes hope 10. a cold healthcare, in his rooms and in his heart

The model is prospective and could be monitored by International Organizations through sets of indicators that should be created ad hoc for each of the points of the decalogue.
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