Tobacco as a threat to the environment: an experimental awareness campaign targeted at youth
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Sapienza University of Rome Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5, 00185, Rome, Italy Italy
University of Genoa
University of Bologna Unit of Hygiene, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences Italy
University of Genoa Department of Health Sciences Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A705
we wrote short informative articles on each one. Meanwhile, we developed two different 7-question surveys to be answered: before reading the ebook (t0) to analyze baseline knowledge and after reading it (t1), to assess possible improvements.

The campaign is still ongoing. At the moment 579 people read the ebook in 7 different countries (EU and US area). We collected 163 answers for t0 and 149 for t1. Respondents are university students with a mean age of 20.8 (DS±1.62), 73.6% are females, 69.9% come from central Italy. Only 4% already hold a university degree and 92.6% are studying in the healthcare sector. At t0, the mean of correct answers was 2, whereas at t1 it became 4, with a median value of 5 correct out of 7 total.

This ebook is just a first step in digital scien2tific dissemination on tobacco control. As a pilot project, it underlines the importance of content sharing and brainstorming in digital science communication and paves the path to a new concept of health promotion in the digital era.
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