Tuberculosis in the Local Health Authority (LHA) of cagliari: study of epidemiology for a qualitative approach to the prospects of improvement in public health management
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University of Cagliari Italy
ASL Cagliari Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A270
Materials and methods:
An anonymized database of TB cases was created. The cases were reported through the notification forms and received by the LHA of Cagliari from 2017 to 2021, carrying out a descriptive statistical analysis of the data.

307 notification forms were received (average incidence of confirmed cases 2.44/100,000 inhabitants per year) with an average age of 45, male prevalence and Italian citizenship over foreign citizenship. The median between the day of onset of symptoms and the start of therapy is 47 days: it is higher in those born in Italy than in those born abroad (67 days vs 27 days). In most cases, no treatment monitoring report was received from the physician.

The epidemiological study on the spread of Tuberculosis, particularly among the categories at risk, is one of the LHA's priorities. The diagnostic delay, particularly for those born in Italy, presents a data higher than the Italian average and the target value set by international organizations: the LHA of Cagliari intends to propose a study with a qualitative approach on the attitudes and knowledge of general practitioners in order to organize a training course aimed at the needs identified. The lack of data on the outcome of the treatment underlines the need to share a health care procedure with an ad hoc public health measure.
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