Wastewater monitoring system for emerging infectious diseases in Thailand
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Department of Disease control Thailand
Department of Disease Control Thailand
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A417
Background and Objective:
Wastewater surveillance is a beneficial method to monitor the virus especially the outbreak period but there are different benefits in each phrases including pre-outbreak, during the outbreak and post-outbreak. This method is able to use for large area and it could be more efficient for the place which has the good water management system. This study aimed to identify the beneficial of wastewater monitoring system in different settings and phrases.

The samples were collected from different settings and phrases of the COVID-19 and Monkeypox outbreak in Thailand. The selected settings were community apartments, fresh markets, prisons, and hotels. All samples were tested for COVID-19 (E gene, ORF1ab gene and N gene) and Orthopoxvirus.

The results demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 and Orthopoxvirus can be detected in untreated water. The virus could be detected the next few days after the absence of the patients. The benefits of sample collection in different outbreak phrases are vary. For the pre-outbreak phrase, the surveillance aimed to detect the new emerging virus as well as the infected patient to start the interventions for disease prevent and control. During the outbreak, the surveillance aimed to identify the patients and monitor the viral trend such as the mutated strain as same as the post-outbreaks phrase.

We suggested that wastewater monitoring system is a useful method to detect the new emerging diseases and for wide-scale surveillance. Unfortunately, the different outbreak phrase has an affect for sample interpretation and usage. The implementation of this method should be identified clearly before starting the protocol.
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