What does the future of public health need to know about climate-health?
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Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region France
Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER), Ireland
UCD School of Public Health Physiotherapy and Sports Science, Ireland
ASPHER United Kingdom
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A229
The climate crisis is a public health emergency. Evidence has highlighted climate change impacts to the social and environmental determinants of health- from clean air, safe drinking water, food security, and even, the built environment. The public health systems have an important role in preventing and reducing these health impacts, requiring further understanding of the intersection of climate change and public health. Climate change brings complex and multi-faceted challenges for public health. Trainees and new graduates are not equipped with the tools to develop effective climate change responses. Academic institutions and public health authorities in the European region have received the call for action to support climate-health training through the EU Health Policy Platform, ASPHER Joint Statement. The joint statement has accelerated leadership buy-in, but the challenge to move forward is exacerbated by the implementation process. ASPHER is currently partnered with various agendas and roadmaps at European and planetary level to move forward with driving climate health conversations which vary from moving forward with deskilling/upskilling the workforce, and reviewing the job market to match workforce needs. This workshop looks to provide the latest research, agendas and policies in the European region from ASPHER and partners, and to share and advocate for climate-health education for the future public health , health workforces and policy makers.

The workshop will be held in a roundtable discussion with three invited panellists who will provide a brief overview of activities from the perspectives of ASPHER (organization), Competencies (education), and Workforce (young professional). Throughout the presentation, there will be intentional opportunities to engage and explore with the audience to understand their background, and their sense of what they see in action and believe is missing in the role of public health in the climate crisis.

Specific Aims/Objectives:
• To increase the knowledge of delegates around the latest developments by ASPHER and its partners • To share and reflect the climate-health competencies results with delegates and identify reactions across different roles and countries • To link individuals in the space with the wider network of climate-health advocates in public health • To propose some common actions at European and worldwide level to propel moving forward with climate-health needs

Key Questions:
• What is the role of public health systems in climate change? • What is the role of public health professionals across different career trajectories in the climate crisis? • How can we support the future public health workforce in education and training?
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