What does the world think about working or not? World Values Survey 2017-2022
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Muğla Provincial Health Directorate, Turkiye, Orhaniye, İsmet Çatak Cd. 22-6, 48000 Muğla Merkez/Muğla, Turkey
Giresun Community Health Centre, Çınarlar, Sokakbaşı Cd., 28100 Giresun Merkez/Giresun, Turkey
Giresun University Faculty of Medicine, Public Health Department
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A797
Background and Objective:
By using the 7th wave of World Value Survey (WVS), we investigated the cross-region differences in opinions about working life and the relations with sociodemographic determinants.

In current descriptive/cross-sectional study, WVS data which contains 78 countries from 6 World Health Organization(WHO) regions (African Region(AFR), Region of the Americas(AMR), South-East Asian Region(SEAR), European Region(EUR), Eastern Mediterranean Region(EMR), Western Pacific Region(WPR)) with 87760 participants were pooled for the analysis. Opinions about working life were selected as dependent variable. Their relation with age, sex, place of residence, marital status, education level, sector of employment, status of employment, social class, income level, immigration status, feeling of happiness, self-rated health, satisfaction with life and country region by WHO classification were evaluated. Descriptive and the chi-square analysis were conducted (p<0.05).

Mean age was 42.85±16.35, 52.5% were female. The distribution of the regions were 26.2% of AMR, 23.0% WPR, 22.3% EUR, 13.6% EMR, 9.3% SEAR, 5.6% of AFR. It was determined that 60.3% of the participants were full-time employees and the highest rate was 71.2% in SEAR. The highest income level was 11.5% in SEAR. Being an immigrant was reported mostly in the EUR (10.0%). According to regions, opinions about working life differ significantly (p<0.001). In terms of opinions on working life; those who stated work is important (88.5%) and those who thought work is a duty to society (89.8%) were highest in the AFR. Additionally, those who reported men should have more right to a job was 74.2%, those who agreed that native people should have the job priority was 89.2% which were the highest in the EMR.

Differences of opinions between regions regarding the place of women and immigrants in working life are quite evident. Discrimination in working life is an important issue concerning public health.
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