A global lens of Party n Play/ Chemsex: mental health and resilience for GBMSM, and cultural and clinically competencies for clinicians working with GBMSM
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Gay Men's Sexual Health Alliance, Toronto, Canada
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1296
Party n Play (PnP), also known as Chemsex, is a global phenomenon (Blanchard, 2019) of the sexualized use of recreational substances, injecting drug use, and other drugs by gay, bisexual, and men who have sex with men (GBMSM). PnP is associated with increased condomless sex, group sex, transactional sex, STBBIs, stigma, and discrimination. PnP involves using various depressants and stimulants such as alcohol, cocaine, MDMA, crystal meth, ketamine, poppers, and Viagra. PnP is used by GBMSM to increase acceptance by peers, reduce inhibition, promote closeness, sustain sex, pleasure, and intimacies, and manage trauma. The persistence of health inequities persists for GBMSM who experience intersecting forms of oppression, stigma, discrimination, and trauma. Healthcare providers and services are not equipped or knowledgeable of practices of PnP/Chemsex (Card et al. 2021) and “because of a lack of knowledge of practices, associated vocabulary, and a failure to integrate sexual health with drug services” (Florian et al., 2021).  The workshop will explore PnP and its definitions, drugs used, stimulants, depressants and drugs interactions, range of use and intake, psychological roots of Chemsex, and case scenarios of intersectional needs of GBMSM who PnP. The workshop will showcase videos from clinical providers on best practices to provide cultural safety, cultural competence, and clinical competencies when caring for cis and trans-GBMSM who PnP. Additionally, we will explore the _Four Zones of Engagement: PnP Landscape a New Concept of Current Evidence_. In the Zones of Engagement, we will explore the biopsychosocial component (Platteau et al. 2019) of client-centered care in PnP, utilize a trauma-informed practice, educate clients on drug-drug interactions, including interactions with anti-HIV medication via a harm reduction lens. Objectives: 1.Describe PnP/Chemsex, and populations that are disproportionately impacted, 2.Demonstrate knowledge of the biopsychosocial context of PnP/Chemsex in the global GBMSM communities, 3.Practice a harm reduction approach to substance use in the context of sex, 4. Develop competencies in cultural humility, cultural safety, and clinical care References: Blanchard, S.K. (2019) Inside the Rising Chemsex Response in Europe. Retrieved from https://filtermag.org/chemsex-europe/ Card, K., McGuire, M., Jordan, B. G. et al. (2021) Perceived difficulty of getting help to reduce or abstain from substances among sexual and gender minority men who have sex with men (SGMSM) and use methamphetamine during the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Retrieved from,  https://substanceabusepolicy.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13011-021-00425-3 Florian, S., Wells, J., Henriques, S., Hout, M. C. V. (2021). “Slam Sex” - Sexualized Injecting Drug Use (“SIDU”) Amongst Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)—A Scoping Review, Journal of Homosexuality, 68:14, 2344-2358, DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2020.1804258 Platteau, T., Pebody, R., Dunbar, N., Lebacq, T., Collins, B. (2019). The Problematic Chemsex Journey : A Resource for Prevention and Harm Reduction. https://doi.org/10.1108/DAT-11-2018-0066
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