First step for the cross-validation of the arabic emirate version of “the subjective scale to investigate cognition - emirates” (sstic-e)
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CMHS, UAEU Public Health Institute (PHI), College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CMHS), United Arab Emirates University (UAEU). Abu Dhabi, Al Ain. P.O. Box: 15551 UAEU 00971507636867 0097037137436 United Arab Emirates
CMHS, UAEU Public Health Institute (PHI), College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CMHS), United Arab Emirates University (UAEU). Abu Dhabi, Al Ain UAE P.O. Box: 15551 UAEU United Arab Emirates
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1295
Cognitive complaints and lack of cognitive insight are not specific to schizophrenia. It could be depression, mild cognitive impairment, dementia, Alzheimer or addiction. Hence, scales in this field can be very useful to assess and collect data for populations at risk of developing cognitive decline.

To develop and validate the Subjective Scale to Investigate Cognition-Emirates (SSTIC-E) adopted from The subjective Scale To Investigate Cognition In Schizophrenia (SSTICS).

This study is a cross-sectional validation study design. At the start, we did the cross-translation process starting with translation and back-translation. Following that we tested the Arabic version of the scale (SSTIC-E) on 13 subjects, to insure whether there are semantic or cultural aspects that need to be taken into consideration. Finally, we had to assess the validity of the scale on clinical and non-clinical subjects, to do that we enrolled the eligible subjects, obtain their consent, and asked them to do the STIC-E, MoCA, and the sociodemographic questionnaire all in the Arabic language.

Based on our preliminary findings, 210 participants of whom 126 were clinical subjects and 84 were non-clinical subjects were recruited; 123 of them were women and 87 were men. Our samples include 81 non-Emirati participants, 36 of whom were patients, and 129 Emirati individuals, of which 90 were patients. Patients average SSTIC-E scores were 44.06 (SD= 15.19), higher than the control groups score of 22.55 (SD=12.04). The average MoCA score for the patient group was 22.71 (SD=4.59), which is considered outside of the normal range, while the average score for the control group was normal at 27.19 (SD=2.24).

It’s essential for any community to provide a culturally adapted and validated psychometric instrument, that will fit their needs in all cultural aspects.
Cross-cultural differences through subjective cognition: illustration in translatology with the SSTIC-E in the UAE
Emmanuel Stip, Fadwa Al Mugaddam, Karim Abdel Aziz, Leena Amiri, Syed Fahad Javaid, Danilo Arnone, Eisa Almheiri, Abdulla Al Helali, Abderrahim Oulhaj, Yauhen Statsenko, Milos R. Ljubisavljevic, Shamil Wanigaratne, Ovidiu Lungu, Dalia Karpauskaite, Viktorija Aksionova, Aravinthan Subbarayan, Ravi Pralhad Bangalore, Adham Mancini-Marie
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