Agroecology versus agribusiness: An experience of popular health surveillance against the impacts of agribusiness in a region of brazil
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Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Ceará Brazil
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Ceará
Universidade Federal do Ceará Brazil
Cáritas Diocesana de Limoeiro do Norte
Movimento 21 Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1969
Background and objective:
Brazil is one of the largest consumers of pesticides in the world due to the advance of agribusiness in its territory, causing numerous socio-environmental impacts and damage to health, not just human health. This research aims to describe the Popular Surveillance indicators referring to the impacts caused by agribusiness on the agroecological productive backyards of the farming families of Chapada do Apodi, Tabuleiro do Norte, Ceará, Northeast Brazil.

These families develop the experience “Community that Sustains Agriculture – My Backyard in your Basket”, which was registered in the action research “Popular Surveillance of Health, Environment and Work: communities, the Unified Health System and researchers in the defense of the lives of vulnerable populations through a “Participatory””. The action research field activity took place on June 6 and 7, 2022. On the first day, a journey was made through the territory to get to know the families, their agroecological backyards and their social technologies for coexistence with the semi-arid region. On the second day, the communities analyzed the experience of popular surveillance, based on guiding questions in a workshop. RESULTS: Families identified as popular surveillance indicators related to the impacts of agribusiness: the death of bees by poison, speed of installation of enterprises, enclosure of areas used for beekeeping and rearing of loose animals, migration of labor from outside the territory, use of drones by agribusiness, strong odor of pesticides and other inputs used by agribusiness, deterritorialized families, large scale deforestation with chains and tractors, accentuation of lack of water.

The protagonism of families is observed in the construction of the experience of popular surveillance regarding the generation of data on the impacts of agribusiness through participatory monitoring with the use of accessible technologies.
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