Analysis of violence reports in the town of nova iguaçu/state of rio de janeiro/brazil, from 2014 to 2020.
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National School of Public Health-Oswaldo Cruz Brazil National School of Public Health-Oswaldo Cruz Fondation Brazil
National School of Public Health-Oswaldo Cruz Fondation
National School of Public Health-Oswaldo Cruz Fondation Brazil
National Institute of Cancer Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1970
To describe the epidemiological profile of cases of violence reported in the town of Nova Iguaçu “RJ/Brazil, from 2014 to 2020

This is a cross-sectional, descriptive, population-based research, on violence records entered in sinan (national system of disease reports), in the town of nova iguaçu. We collected secondary data and made the exploratory analysis of the social-demographic characteristics of the reported cases (gender, race/skin color, education, age, marital status) and the characteristics of violence (nature, means of assault, and relationship with the assaulter). We used statistical software |r| to analyze the data.

The total number of violence reports in the town of Nova Iguaçu was 39,587, in the period from 2014 to 2020. These were more prevalent in the age range of 0-9 (29.5%), then 20-29 (19.2%), and 10-19 (14.8%); in males (57.4%); in brown (56.6%) and black (6.2%) races. Variables education and marital status were completed with “Not applicable”, since they are more prevalent in children under 7 years old. In relation to their nature, the field others prevailed (36.6%), followed by neglect (33.5%). As for the means of assault used, the most prevalent were others (60.8%), followed by body force (32.2%). In relation to the bond with the assaulter, mother and stepmother were the most prevalent (74.7%), followed by father and stepfather (39.6%).

The town of Nova Iguaçu, located only 35 km from the city of Rio de Janeiro, has a low-income population, where children and adolescents are abused and neglected by their parents. The challenge of reducing all types of violence; in addition to protecting all children and adolescents against abuse, exploitation, and other forms, in accordance with Section 16 of the Sustainable Development Goal, involves overcoming social inequalities, articulation by the government branches, and engagement of the civil society.
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