Baseline survey on the determinants of hesitancy to vaccination against covid-19 in 10 priority provinces in chad
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Cheikh Anta Diop University Senegal
Institute of Research for Development
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A2067
COVID-19 is a global public health problem today. Vaccination is one of the effective strategies for controlling COVID-19. The objective of this survey was to obtain reliable baseline information on the determinants of hesitancy to vaccinate against COVID-19 in 10 priority provinces of Chad.

This was a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study that took place between July 28 and September 28, 2022. The survey was conducted among households in the 10 provinces with the head of the household or his representative as the observation unit. The sample design used for this survey was a stratified, two-stage random sample. The data collected allowed for descriptive and analytical analyses. The analyses were weighted and the complex sampling design was taken into account. Data analysis was performed with R software version 4.2.1.

A total of 3346 households were surveyed. Vaccination hesitancy and refusal were estimated at 16.9% and 23.3% respectively. Vaccine hesitancy was associated with age, religion, education level, history of refusal to vaccinate, and attitude toward the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccine refusal was associated with religion, education level, economic well-being quintile, history of vaccine refusal, lack of confidence in vaccines to prevent disease in general, and attitude toward the COVID-19 vaccine.

Following this baseline survey, a risk communication and community engagement plan should be developed and adapted to the realities on the ground so that communities are informed and sensitized about the benefits as well as the adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccination.
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