Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy among a sample of students in tunisia
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University Hospital of Monastir Tunisia
University Hospital of Monastir
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A2068
Immunization with a safe and effective vaccine appears to be among ways to contain and control the pandemic of COVID-19. However, the overall population response to receiving the new vaccines was less than optimal. The aims of our study were to determine the rate of reluctance to receive Covid-19 vaccines ,to assess the factors associated with this behavior and vaccine satisfaction among Tunisian student in Monastir (Tunisia).

Patients and methods:
It was a cross-sectional study on the hesitation to vaccinate against Covid-19 among the student population in the city of Monastir, conducted during the month of October 2021.

Among the 217 students interviewed, 180 agreed to participate in our survey with a response rate of 82.9%. The total vaccination rate was 77.7%; 61.1% were fully vaccinated. The main motivating factor was simple confidence in the vaccine, reported by 43% of participants. The rate of vaccine hesitancy was 19.5%, (CI95%=13.7-25.2). The main reason for hesitancy was the insufficient number and duration of studies (50%). Comparing the two groups (vaccinated and hesitant), the results of the univariate analysis showed that vaccine hesitancy in the study population was related to belief in the reliability of vaccine information and confidence in the likely efficacy and safety of the vaccine.

Despite an abundance of scientific evidence of vaccine safety and efficacy, vaccine hesitancy continues to emerge in different populations. There is a need to rapidly strengthen communication and planning with communities to increase vaccine coverage, especially among youth.
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