Evaluation of correct hand hygiene for preventing healthcare associated infections: A study among healthcare workers at A.O.R.N. cardarelli
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AORN Cardarelli Italy Gaetano D'Onofrio A.O.R.N. Cardarelli Italy
Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” Via S.M. Costantinopoli n. 104, Napoli Italy
Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” Via S.M. Costantinopoli 104, Napoli Italy
Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale Via S.M. Costantinopoli n. 104, Napoli Italy
AORN Cardarelli Italy Maria Pia Mannelli AORN Cardarelli Italy Paola Saturnino AORN Cardarelli Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A949
Background and Objective:
““World Hand Hygiene Day”” focuses attention on the importance of correct hand washing, useful for preventing healthcare associated infections (ICA) and antibiotic resistance. This year the Healthcare Related Infections Committee of the AORN Cardarelli of Naples organized the Day Corporate hand washing, with the aim of verifying the correct procedure with the ““pedagogical box”” which, through the use of fluorescent gel, allows to evaluate the correct adherence to the procedure.

The study was carried out between June and October 2022 using an evaluation form self-administered by participants. The questions were asked about socio - demographic information, presence of long and/or painted nails, any jewels worn, quantity of gel taken, rubbing time, disinfected parts (fluorescent) and non (dark). The study population consisted of 463 subjects (medical doctors, nurses and social health operators) in 30 Operating Units of the AORN Cardarelli of Naples. At the end of the training event, material relating to the hands' washing procedure was distributed.

The unsanitized parts were mostly back and thumb. 49% of participants were nurses, 27% has long and lacquered nails, 37% wore bracelets/rings, 90% disinfected within the proper time. Overall only 27% carried out the correct method and management of hands. The majority of participants who have applied the correct method were male, the average age was 50-65 years, most were nurses. According to the WHO the minimum standard of expected consumption is equal to 450 litres/month e at least 20 litres/1000 days of hospitalisation. In the AORN Cardarelli, gel consumption in 2021 was 571 liters per month and 25 litres/1000 days of hospitalization, indicative values ​​for the control of infections.

Public health efforts and education campaigns regarding the importance of hand hygiene are needed for prevent the transmission of infections and contrast antibiotic resistance.
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