Evaluation of individual preparedness for emergencies / disasters among members of health professions' chambers in ankara - turkey
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Hacettepe University - Public Health Department Turkey
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1696
This descriptive study aimed to determine the factors associated with the individual emergency / disaster preparedness behaviour of the members of four different Health Professions’ Chambers in Ankara - Turkey.

Ethical approval was taken from the Ethical Committee of Hacettepe University. As data collection form, a questionnaire consisting of 32 questions prepared by the researchers and the General Disaster Preparedness Belief Scale Based on Health Belief Model (31- items) were used. As the score increases, individual preparedness for emergencies/disasters is better (min.-max. 31-165). The data were first collected online using ""Google forms"". Since there was not enough participation, the face-to-face interview method was used afterwards. There were 401 health professionals in the study. The study group involved dentists (n=96, 23.9%), medical doctors (n=150, 37.4%), pharmacists (n=74, 18.5%), and veterinarians (n=81, 20.2%).

Participants who received emergency/disaster-related training consisted of 35.2% of all participants (n=141). None of them received training from the chambers. 38.2% (n=153) of the participants experienced a disaster of any type. 33.2% of the participants (n=133) stated that they were not individually prepared for emergencies and disasters, The mean scale score of the participants was 112.39±12.77. Several factors were found associated with health professionals’ individual preparedness for emergencies/disasters. These included education and training on disasters, presence of previous or current job about disasters, being assigned and/or being volunteered to disaster response.

Turkey is known to be a country which frequently encounters disasters and health professionals provide essential services during emergencies and disasters. They, as individuals, should not be affected from disasters in order to serve. Therefore, training on personal emergency/disaster preparedness is urgently needed for them. One way of achieving this is by organizing courses or web-based training provided by health profession chambers.
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