Impacts of the oswaldo cruz foundation plan to combat covid 19 in the favelas of rio de janeiro: Community participation and inter-institutional work in response to the pandemic
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Fiocruz Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A480
Background and objective:
The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) Plan to Combat COVID19 in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro (PFECFRJ) is an inter-institutional action coordinated by Fiocruz, in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Collective Health, Brazilian Society of Progress for Science, universities and civil society, which acts directly to mitigate the multidimensional effects of COVID19 pandemic in favelas. With a budget of USD 4 million dollars, PFECFRJ supported 54 projects with a focus on comprehensive territorial-based health actions aimed at reducing COVID19. The main objective of this work is to analyze the results of the implementation of this public health policy between 2020-2022 and point recommendations for health actions aimed at socially vulnerable populations in contexts of health emergencies.

The research methodology has as its object the analysis of the genesis, formulation and implementation of the PFECFRJ, based on thematic axes: political actors; political process; agenda setting; policy formulation; and policy implementation.The theoretical approach focuses on Kingdons multiple flows model (Kingdon, 2003). The research used data from the monthly and final reports of the 54 projects supported by the PFECFRJ as a source and carried out 70 semi-structured interviews with actors who acted in the set of these health actions.

The study shows the direct impact of the actions carried out on indicators associated with the reduction of food insecurity in the analyzed territories, the expansion of territorial-based health surveillance actions and the expansion of community communication in health with a focus on the prevention of COVID19.

The research points out that the partnership between academia, public health management and civil society has a greater potential for incidence in territories in contexts of greater social vulnerability in the response to COVID19 when community participation is a structural element of the organization of the health network.
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