Level of physical activity in Belgrade
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Institute of Public Health of Belgrade, Serbia
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A77
Regular physical activity is one of major protective factors influencing individual health and contributes to prevention of leading non communicable diseases, quality of life, and wellbeing. Data has shown that 23% of adults worldwide do not meet the global recommendations on physical activity for health. Differences in level of physical activity are often related to age, gender and socioeconomic status. This study was aimed to assess level of physical activity among adult population in Belgrade.

National health survey based on European Health Interview Survey methodology was implemented as cross-sectional study, in 2019, through two-stage stratified sample of 13.589 adult respondents and response rate of 97%. Data were collected by structured questionnaire administered by interviewer. Statistical analysis of data was performed for Belgrade region separately. Prevalence of physical activity in Belgrade was compared with national data in 2019 and data for Belgrade from national health survey in 2013.

About 20% of adult population in Belgrade practice sport or recreational activity at least 150 minutes per week, compared to 11% in Serbia and 12,5% in 2013. Sedentary activities at the workplace are common for 55% people in Belgrade compared to 41% in Serbia and 61,2% in 2013. Excessive sedentary style is common for 35% people in Belgrade and 23% in Serbia, most often among youngest and oldest adults, more educated and higher socio economic status. Average daily duration of sitting for adults in Belgrade is 5,8 hours and 4,7 in Serbia. Almost 90% of people in Belgrade recognize that regular physical activity is significant factor for their own health.

Although awareness about significance of regular physical activity is high among adult population in Belgrade, prevalence of everyday practice is lower than national data. Additional research is needed in order to identify factors affecting habits related to physical activity.
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