Levels and sources of stress in medical students at a pakistani medical school pertaining to year of study and gender
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Aligarh College of Nursing Pakistan
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1275
Background and Objectives:
Medical Training is regarded as stressful and stress is prevalent amongst medical students. However, studies assessing whether stress is uniform across year of study and gender in a Pakistani Medical school are lacking. The study primarily aims to examine levels and sources of stress in students at a Pakistani Medical school with regards to year of study and gender. This study also looks at the effects of demographics on self reported stress.

A cross sectional survey was distributed to 350 medical students of year 1, 4 and 5 at Combined Military Hospital, Lahore Medical College, Lahore. It contained a consent form, general demographic information and the MSSQ questionnaire consisting of 40 items to identify levels and sources of stress.

The response rate was 241/350(68.84%).Year 1 reported a Moderate stress level of 1.890,Year 4 reported a High stress level of 2.039 and year 5 reported a Moderate stress level of 1.925 where academics were the stressors. Males reported a lower stress levels than females (p<0.000). The common sources of stress were academic and social. Linear regression analysis indicated that daily hours of study was positively correlated with academic stressors (p<0.026) and social stressors (p<0.028).Daily hours of sleep was negatively correlated with academic stressors (p<0.045). Year of study (p<0.036) and Marital Statues (p<0.024) were negatively correlated with social stressors.

The stress levels and sources did change with year of study. Stress and stressors were found to be gender specific with males reporting lesser perceived stress.
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