Moral suffering experienced by health workers in covid-19 screening centers in brazil
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Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva - ABRASCO Rua Laurindo Januário da Silveira 5125 casa 6 - CEP 88.062-201 - Florianópolis - Santa Catarina - Brazil Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1660
Background and objective:
Moral suffering comes from negative emotions experienced by health workers resulting from morally undesirable situations. Faced with an ethical problem, the worker has his moral deliberation interrupted by obstacles that prevent him from implementing the course of the chosen moral judgment. The Covid-19 pandemic revealed new ethical problems that aggravated the moral suffering of health workers. This study aims to understand the experience of moral suffering of health workers at Covid-19 Triage Centers (CT) in the municipality of Blumenau-SC, Brazil.

This is field research with a qualitative approach. The study included 31 health workers who were involved in assisting users of the Covid-19 CT. Data were analyzed through content analysis, using the Atlas-ti software.

Ethical problems present in daily work are related to the organization of work processes, working conditions and relationships between managers, workers and users. The relationship between ethical problems and the experience of moral distress was perceived at the moment when moral integrity was threatened and the worker was prevented from carrying out deliberate moral conduct. The most important component was the context of the health crisis, substantially aggravated by the political and economic tensions caused by the necropolitics undertaken by the federal government, which directly harmed the functioning of health services and had repercussions not only on the high mortality from Covid-19, but also on the moral suffering of health workers.

The experience of moral suffering exposes the context of microviolence that is made invisible and trivialized by workers, managers, users and society. TC workers experienced numerous threats to their moral integrity, as it is yet another space for the reproduction of moral suffering that already exists in the health work process, with even more strenuous overloads caused by the context of crisis evidenced by the Covid-19 pandemic.
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