Protecting passengers from exposure to tobacco smoke by enforcement tobacco control law & bangladesh railways act
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Initiative to Make Bangladesh Railway Tobacco Free - IMBRTF project, Ministry of Railways Ministry of Railways "Room 728 (6th Floor), Rail Bhavan, 16, Abdul Gani Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh” Bangladesh
Ministry of Railways
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1661
Exposure to tobacco smoke causes to serious health risks including heart attack, stroke, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) etc. Protecting passengers at the train and rail stations is legal and moral responsibility of Ministry of Railways and Bangladesh Railway. More than 90 million passengers used train as mode of transport, most of them are non-smokers Including children and women. The Railways Act 1890 restricted smoking in train compartment and Smoking and Tobacco Products Usages (Control) Act 2005 (amendment in 2013) banned smoking in railway station and train. First class officer of Bangladesh Railway (BR) included in the law as authorized officer to enforce these laws.

To oversee the current situation of law implementation, a baseline survey conducted at 04 rail stations in Dhaka city [Kamalapur (central rail station in Bangladesh), Tejgaon, Cantonment and Airport] under the Initiative to Make Bangladesh Railway Tobacco Free –IMBRTF project. More than 100,000 daily passengers usage these stations. Based on the findings, a guideline has been developed for concerned officials to enhance law implementation. Audio and Video messages developed and on-aired frequently, posters, stickers and billboards were displayed on law and health hazards of second-hand smoking and frequent monitoring takes places to aware passengers.

This initiatives strengthened the implementation tobacco control laws at the Railway stations in Dhaka, Bangladesh that protected hundreds of thousand passengers from second-hand smoking. Both train and rail stations become environment-friendly, floors are free from cigarette butts and air are free from nicotine.

Ministry of Railways and Bangladesh Railway is working to ensure tobacco free environment at the rail stations and train. These examples from 4 stations in Dhaka can be replicate other rail stations in across the country.
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