Postgraduate Education in Health: A Case Report from Cabo Verde
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Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade de Cabo Verde, Cape Verde
Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade de Cabo Verde, Ilha de Santiago, Cape Verde
Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade de Cabo Verde, Palmarejo, Cape Verde
Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Universidade de Cabo Verde, Cape Verde
Faculty of Medicine, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita, Botucatu, Brazil
Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A721
Background and Objective: Cabo Verde is a small island country in West Africa, composed of 10 Islands, 9 of which are inhabited and with about 500 thousand residents. The first Public University was established in 2006, based on the pillars of training, research, and extension, to provide qualified professionals and knowledge that support good health practices and promote the health of the population. In 2009 the first post-graduate course in health was implemented - Master of Public Health aligned with the objectives of the United Nations, with the National Strategic Plan for Human Resources in Health, to expand scientific research and provide the country with a Public University with quality, qualified and internationally recognized masters and doctors. The partnership with universities from Brazil and Portugal has contributed to this process. Methods: Case report based on the experience of the teachers involved, annual academic reports and consultation of other relevant documents. Results: From 2010 to the present date, the Uni-CV has started 3 class of masters courses in Public Health, with a total of 84 entrants. Of these 21 (25%) have completed the course, 25 (30%) are in dissertation preparation phase, 18 (21%) are in the 1st academic year, and 20 (24%) have abandoned the program. The dissertations defended and those in preparation address different areas of knowledge, aligned with the National Agenda for Health Research 2020-2024. Of the 21 students who completed the masters degree approximately 45% are full-time or part-time faculty at Uni-CV and 52% work in the ministry of health. Conclusions: The local training of a contingent of masters in Public Health, contributed to research in population health, public policies, and health services evaluation, made scientific studies available to the country, and supported the creation of research groups, as well as the qualification of professionals, lecturers, and researchers.
Public health capacity development in Africa: The case of advanced public health education and training in Cabo Verde
Paulo Ferrinho, António Pedro Delgado, Maria da Luz Lima Mendonca, Inês Fronteira, Mohsin Sidat, Deisa Semedo, Francisca Freyre Monteiro, Ana Cristina Garcia, Pedro Serrano, Manuel Lapão, Dilma Miranda Pires, Lara Ferrero Gómez, Elen Rose Castanheira, Isabel Inês Araújo
Journal of Global Health
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