Results of the first national survey on vaccines co-administration knowledge and beliefs carried out among Italian health assistants
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Register Commission Health Assistants, Rome, Italy
Prevention Health Professions, Local Health Unit 3 of Genova, Genova, Italy
Health Assistance University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Prevention Health Professions, Local Health Unit Brianza, Desio, Italy
Register Commission Health Assistants, Italy
Department of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences, University of L'Aquilla, L'Aquila, Italy
National Register Commission Health Assistants, Bari, Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A2055
Background/Objective: Vaccination coverage in Italy for pediatric mandatory vaccinations is in line with the target of 95%, while recommended vaccinations rotavirus and meningococcus B are consistently below the same target. To face this challenge, vaccine co-administrations (co-admin) is considered a major tool to optimize the crowdy pediatric vaccination schedule even though it can be perceived as potentially harmful. Health Assistant (HA) engagement in co-admin is instrumental to allow calendars evolution while keeping trust in vaccination and increase coverage. The aim of the project is to document the current knowledge and beliefs on co-admin in a sample of HA. Methods: A questionnaire including 11 questions was structured and released online. Questions were divided in conceptual sections: demographics, beliefs and knowledge on co-admin, expectations on medical education format. HA signed up to the first HA national congress were invited to take part to the survey. Results: Within October and November 2022, 255 questionnaires were filled in, generating a 90% confidence level with a 5% error margin of the survey results. Respondents were well distributed Countrywide. Co-admin was considered “a very useful tool to optimize calendars” in 67.9% questionnaire, while 25.5% gave co-admin the same relevance of other practices. Co-admin were considered favorable for Public Health and/or for vaccines and caregivers in more than 57% of responses while 18.5% were not in favor. Data on the co-admin immunogenicity/effectiveness (68.3%), safety profile/contraindication (75.3%) and presence in the vaccine label (80.2%) were considered the more relevant topics. No specific preferences on CME format came out. Conclusions: The results of first survey carried out in Italy on co-admin among HA suggest an overall positive insight, although not fully endorsed by all respondents. Educational program on the value of co-admin, focusing on safety and effectiveness are warranted to increase the HA engagement.
Available evidence on the co-administration of the four-component meningococcal B vaccine (4CMenB) with three vaccines at the same visit among pediatric individuals
Paolo Bonanni, Stefano Castagna, Giovanni Gabutti, Sandro Giuffrida, Federico Marchetti, Rocco Russo, Rosa Prato, Francesco Vitale
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics
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