Serbia oral health problems among children and mothers indicated need for maternal oral health initiative in serbia
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School of dental medicine, University of Belgrade School of dental medicine, Univeristy of Belgrade Dr Subotica 8, Belgrade Serbia
Ida Society United States
School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1209
Background and objective:
Pregnancy is an extremely important and sensitive period, for general health and also oral health. During pregnancy, it is important to emphases on maintain the oral health of both, the future mother and her baby. However, in order to prevent diseases of deciduous teeth, it is necessary for parents to get acquainted with the importance and ways of maintaining oral health in children from the earliest age.

Systematic integrative review includes research from the last 10 years, conducted at the Republic of Serbia. Review of scientific database Pubmed, Scopus and Scholar, was done in order to determinate tree key questions: level of oral health status, attitude and habits among pregnant women and prevalence of early childhood caries among children in Republic of Serbia.

Latest research in Serbia population emphasize, need for maternal oral health initiative in Serbia. The resent studies showed a high prevalence of poor oral health in Serbian children -41.1% of children aged 36 to 71 months had early childhood caries, while in group of children aged 12-36 mounts was also high 13,4% (Marković et al. 2020). Prevention of premature birth as a most common adverse pregnancy outcome should be one of the more important goals of maternal oral health initiative. The results of resent studies conducted in Serbia indicate the potential impact of periodontal disease to an increase in the level of inflammatory mediators, which are also biochemical labor markers (Perunovic et al.2015).

Considering the mounting oral health needs in young children in Serbia, we truly believe maternal oral health is one of the key primary prevention agendas and we can join our efforts in achieving oral health equity in Serbia by developing this maternal oral health initiative.
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