The case for a socio-ecological approaches in the evaluation of mosquito larval source management for malaria control in Haiti
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Université de Montréal PhD Student "7101 Ave du Parc, Suite 3091 Montréal QC H3N 1X9 "Canada
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1878
Background and Objective:
Larval source management is a malaria control strategy which relies on the reduction of immature stages of the mosquitoes transmitting malaria through the mechanical, chemical, or biological modification of the environments where mosquitoes breed. In Haiti, LSM is used in conjunction with other malaria control strategies. However, there is limited evidence on the effectiveness of LSM. A qualitative evaluation of the LSM program in Haiti was performed to identify opportunities to optimize the program’s functioning.

This article is based on a single qualitative case study. The unit of analysis was the larval source management program of Haiti’s national malaria control program. A documentary analysis was performed based on multiple data sources including historical documents, policy documentation, training materials, meeting notes, work plans and evaluation reports. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis.

Multiple factors and processes interact synergistically and across different levels (interpersonal, organizational, environmental, social) to influence the implementation of LSM in Haiti. For this reason, the LSM strategy within Haiti’s national malaria control program can be viewed as a complex adaptive system. Emerging tools and frameworks in the complexity sciences are viable strategies to tackle the complexity of LSM program implementation and evaluation research. Socio-ecological models can help understand and improve the effectiveness sustainability of LSM efforts. Larval source management research and practice in Haiti should make use socio-ecological models. Different approaches to socio-ecological models can help create an in-depth understanding of how the LSM program is operationalized in Haiti, to document the mechanisms and contextual factors which impact the efficiency and effectiveness of the program.

Larval source management research and practice in Haiti should make use socio-ecological models. These models can help shape research goals, policy approaches, governance frameworks, and the operationalization of the LSM program in Haiti and similar contexts.
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