World café on the health promotion posture of public health professionals
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HES-SO University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland / School Nursing Fribourg Rte des Arsenaux 16a, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland Switzerland
School Nursing, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HES-SO), Fribourg, Switzerland HES-SO University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland / School Nursing Fribourg Rte des Arsenaux 16a, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland Switzerland
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A743
The course at the HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland is “Enhance his/her health promotion posture”. It covers health promotion principles and the role of the nurse in various contexts: schools, health institutions, neighbourhoods, communities. The "health promoter" role is developed through the "patient-centred" approach that guides the training programme. It enables students to become aware of their health promotion posture, with a population-based approach in concrete projects in the field. Health is considered in a global and positive way, in terms of well-being and quality of life rather than risks and pathologies according to Ottawa Charter (WHO, 1986). In this workshop, we will discuss how a community diagnosis can be used in health professional training. It is inspired by the Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Freire, 1968). _The Key Questions That The Workshop Will Address Are: * How can health promotion be taught within the basic training of health professionals? * How can PHPs adopt the role of facilitators to promote community health? What experience do the workshop’s participants have regarding community engagement and health promotion? * How to raise awareness of the health promotion posture among the participants?
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