Factors associated with low workplace wellbeing in Hong Kong
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The Chinese University of Hong Kong The School of Public Health & Primary Care “4/F School of Public Health Rm #411, Prince of Wales Hospital Shatin, New Territories” Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong The JC School of Public Health & Primary Care “4/F School of Public Health & Primary Care Prince of Wales Hospital Shatin, New Territories” Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong The JC School of Public Health & Primary Care Hong Kong
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1261
Background and Objectives:
Although workplace wellbeing (WWB) has been receiving increasing research interest, there have been few studies in East Asian countries. This study seeks to examine factors associated with low WWB in Hong Kong, a high-income Asian city.

Using a newly validated Chinese language instrument, an anonymous telephone survey was conducted among working adults in Hong Kong (n=400) in November 2022. The sociodemographic factors associated with low WWB (45, being married, lower income, lower education, being a non-professional worker, high weekly work hours, and non-flexibility of work location were significantly associated with low WWB levels (OR: 1.87-6.91, p
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