General ombudsman in brazil: Communication to support the management of the unified health system
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva Brazil
Universidade Federal de Catalão
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Brazil
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1645
Communication through the ombudsman of the Unified Health System (SUS), in Brazil, supports the decision of health managers, based on data received from users, effecting social participation. The ombudsman built on a basis of communication, in providing information on the evaluation of services, the populations health needs, and proposals for improvement in the technical areas of the SUS, in response to citizens manifestations.

To present the participatory performance of the SUS Ombudsman network, from 2010 to 2022.

An analysis about communication via the SUS Ombudsman was made, demonstrating quantitative and qualitative data on services provided by the Ombudsman network, extracted from the Ministry of Health data panel, between the period of 2010 to 2022.

According to data from the OuvidorSUS Computerized System, 4,710,356 manifestations were registered, since the beginning of its use in Brazil, in 2010. The registrations per year represented: 2010 (1.97%), 2011 (3.50%), 2012 (4.57%), 2013 (6.02%), 2014 (6.05%), 2015 (7.64%), 2016 (8.26%), 2017 (8.57%), 2018 (9 .20%), 2019 (10.92%), 2020 (9.11%), 2021 (12.32%) and 2022 (11.87%) of demonstrations, indicating a growing trend in participation over the historical series. The most used means were telephone (55.34%), face-to-face (21.16%) and online form (10.52%). The classifications were related to: requests (40.04%), complaints (35.97%), complaints (10.61%), compliments (6.87%), information (5.22%) and suggestions (1 .29%). The main subjects dealt with: management (36.33%), health care (29.44%), pharmaceutical care (7.98%), health surveillance (6.28%), health surveillance (5.96%) and others (14.02%).

Societys participation in the formulation, evaluation and supervision of public policies in Brazil is a social achievement. SUS ombudsmen are powerful management support instruments, as they encourage individual participation and allow managers to know the opinion of the population, subsidizing their health actions.
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